I have to stop waiting for Jan 1 or the next Monday to come around to start getting things done! And really to start feeling more grounded and less like a scatter brained tornado.
So my (ever evolving plan) is to make a few attainable goals on the 1st of each month, starting RIGHT NOW! Because isn't now the best time to start?!
And to help keep myself accountable and to further show that we're all just getting by (aka I'm the conductor of the hot mess express...) I'm going to go ahead put them right here and just air all my dirty laundry (which with 2 kids...is a lot!)
March Goals:
- Line a day Journal - just for fun
- Make a counseling appointment - because life is stressful, and we all need tune ups, and because I need to start walking the walk
- 3 deep breaths in the AM - I want the first thing I do in the morning to NOT be pick up my phone. But instead just notice that I'm alive and well.
- 5 mins of reading a day - because I'm reading a fabulous book. And reading makes me happy.
- 1 blog per week - because yeah...
- Brush my teeth in the PM - Because we're being real here and sometimes I literally forget to brush my teeth...that's how my brain is right now...
Hope ya'll are well out there!
PS: Unrelated photo of my children because...cute!